
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"

School is open Friday 10th January.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have surveyed the site this morning, plenty more grit has been put down and the main driveway is safe to access with caution. Please take care as you enter the car park and exit vehicles, there is still snow on the car park and may be icy underfoot in places.


All vehicles must park on the carpark at the front of the school, there is no access to the back of the school.


Local Authority Transport should be at their usual time.


A reminder to all parents who transport their children to only travel if they feel safe to do so and aim to arrive no earlier than 9:00am.


This will allow ample time for the larger buses to enter and exit the car park. There will be no late marks or absence marks issued today.


We expect pick up times at the end of the day to be the same as usual, but if we do need to make any changes to those we will let you know through the usual channels.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Lomas, Headteacher
