
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"

Pupil, Sports and Catch-Up Premiums

Pupil and PE & Sports Premium

Pupil Premium is part of a wider overarching rationale at Watermill that covers a broad range of interventions that impact on all groups including disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. These include interventions funded, in part, through Pupil Premium, PE & Sports Premium, Y7 Catch up, Trailblazer (CAHMS) and Multi Academy Trust based resources along with activities that come from the wider school curriculum offer. 


Our pupils have a wide range of needs and we believe that the range of interventions we offer complement the core curriculum to offer a package of education that matches that need. We believe it is ambitious in providing a differentiated curriculum that has central themes of literacy and numeracy but then expands into a myriad of experience to ensure our pupils have the best chance of success in whatever interest them. We aim to include the development of life-skills into many of our interventions and endeavour to raise aspirations into the world of work. This annual return document shows the impact of many of our interventions and is complemented by an annual audit snapshot of participation in some 60+ interventions seen across the school. This helps us follow our strong belief that “We like to teach the way you like to learn”.


Pupil and PE & Sports Premium is reviewed in each year and reviews are published on the website.
