
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"



For any child to take full advantage of what's on offer at Watermill, he/she needs to attend regularly. Taking an interest in what your child is doing at school is a massive incentive for him/her to attend. In school we celebrate excellent attendance through our school assembly each Friday. 



If there is a genuine absence please inform school as soon as possible. Ideally this should be before 8.30am on the morning of the first day of absence. The school number is 01782 883737 Should we not hear from you by 9am, telephone calls home will be made to check on why your child is missing school.


If this happens on a regular basis your details will be forwarded to our Education Welfare Officer.


Arriving late to school

The school day begins at 8.30am. We understand that there may be times when your child may be late to school. We kindly ask that you inform school as soon as you are aware that your child may be arriving later than 9am.


Leave of Absence in term time

The Local Authority strongly discourages parents/carers from applying for leave of absence during term time, particularly for family holidays. In line with this, it has now become our Trust policy to refuse all applications for holidays during term time. It is particularly important that students in Year 11 do not take any time off between March and the end of June since it is when exams occur. Five years of effort can be wasted for the sake of a holiday. 


Attendance Officer

Should you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, these should be raised in the first instance with our Attendance Officer, Karen Price.
