"We like to teach the way you like to learn"
The Mental Health and Well-Being of our pupils is amongst our primary concerns and we have made teaching about this topic much more high profile. A group of staff from across the city's special schools have worked together to produce policies which explain how we work to promote positive mental health and well-being in our schools. The policy is available to view by visiting the "Policies" section under "About Us" on the home page.
Welcome to your wellbeing
Your mental health - We care - Yours to own
In lessons, some groups have begun work which helps them to understand what good mental health looks like and how they can look after their own mental health, and will go on to learn about spotting the signs of mental ill-health and seeking help to put it right.
Across the school, pupils have begun to think about ways of maintaining their mental health. These ideas have used themes set out in the NHS's "five ways to wellbeing". These themes are:
Some child-friendly posters have been produced by "Action for Happiness" to help get the message across to our pupils.
See examples of how Mental Health and well-being is taught as part of the PSHE curriculum.
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