"We like to teach the way you like to learn"
School Uniform
School uniform is available to order via the school reception. Please ask for an order form from reception. Uniform must be paid for when the order form is sent to school. We are currently a cash only school.
Uniform requirements remain the same throughout the year and if preferred, parents can use non- logo uniform items.
We do hold stock in school but some items may need to be ordered in. Uniform requirements are shown in the following document.
Watermill Pre-Loved Uniform Shop (PLUS)
We, encouraged by our School Council representatives, have recently opened a recycled uniform shop. We kindly ask that any uniform your child has outgrown or no longer uses is donated to school rather than thrown away. Items that are sent in are sold on at a much reduced cost. Any monies made are used by the School Council for the benefit of all pupils.
Enquiries regarding Watermill PLUS can be made via reception or via email to kprice@watermillschool.co.uk