"We like to teach the way you like to learn"
Kit Policy: In order to help with Health, Safety and Hygiene, pupils are required to include the following as part of their PE kit:
EYFS, KS1 & 2
At EYFS, KS1 & KS2 we aim to promote independence and healthy habits, whilst recognising the need for a less formal P.E kit due to the nature of activities.
Pupils should always have in school:- in a separate bag:
KS3 & 4
Pupils are expected to bring the following to all PE lessons:
We would like to support and encourage all pupils to wear the correct, healthy and safe kit. Should pupils not have correct kit on rare occasions, the school will supply kit so that they can still participate in the lesson. If pupils regularly do not have correct kit, discussions will be held between PE staff, class teachers and parents and carers to ensure that pupils are supported and policies are followed.