"We like to teach the way you like to learn"
Careers and planning for your future focus highly within the curriculum at Watermill School. From Year 7 onwards all pupils within the secondary pathways have timetabled careers lessons each week. Pupils in other pathways have input at appropriate points in their curriculum and school year from the careers team.
In Year 7, 8 and 9 the focus is on learning about why we work, the advantages of working and understanding personal skills and qualities that would be needed by employers. In Year 9 we begin to look at the local employment market in Stoke on Trent and the surrounding areas, this may include visits to local employers.
In Year 10 and 11 the focus moves to preparing for adulthood and transitioning onto post 16 provision. In these year groups we initially look at creating a personal transition plan to support next moves as well as visits to the local FE providers such as Stoke, Newcastle and Reaseheath College and more specialist providers such as Abbey Hill College and New Friars FE. If possible we try to arrange work experience time during these years for pupils for whom it may be appropriate.
Aside from the timetabled teaching of careers, curriculum links are made to the world of work throughout all lessons giving pupils a grounding into what jobs link to which lessons in school.
Planning for transition from Watermill School begins in the EHCP review at Year 9 when "Preparation for Adulthood" is added as an area of need to the document.
Transition is carefully planned and prepared for with pupils, parents, staff at Watermill School and the Local Authority.
In school Mrs Bennett organises visits to local colleges and sets up taster sessions for pupils so that they can experience and settle in to their next placement.
The Careers Team
Mr M Coupe- Careers Lead (SLT)
Stoke on Trent- click here
Staffordshire- click here
Cheshire East- click here