
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"


Behaviour at Watermill School:


As well as providing for the educational development of our pupils, staff at Watermill School also work with students to help them to develop their social and emotional skills.  A key element in this development is behaviour.  We believe that appropriate behaviour develops best where it is actively taught by staff in partnership with parents and carers.


Staff work with Mr Coupe, our behaviour manager, to support any pupils who are finding it difficult to behave positively. In addition to class and whole school reward systems, some pupils benefit from carrying an achievement chart which helps to remind them of their targets. Many pupils find that by focussing on certain targets like this for a short while, new habits form and their behaviour improves.


Staff will always seek to include parents and carers in this process, so that pupils understand the partnership between adults at home and at school.


As well as the support of parents and carers, staff will sometimes use the expertise of other professionals to help a pupil with their behaviour. Examples of such people include Educational Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists (CAMHS) and family support services working closely with our own Family Workers.


We comply with section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act of 2006.


To see our behaviour policy click here
