
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"

The Watermill Staff Team

Watermill School Staff:

Our staff are trained to meet the needs of our pupils. All staff training is updated regularly in the areas of Safeguarding, First Aid, Safety and Verbal Interventions, Food Hygiene and Fire Safety. Along with this there are many specialist educational and child centred training events throughout the year.


Senior Leadership Team:

Executive Headteacher: Jonathon May

Deputy Headteacher: Matthew Coupe

Deputy Headteacher and SENCO: Emma Harrington

Assistant Headteacher: Helen Clayton

School Business Manager: Janice Bytheway


Family Support Team:

Karen Price

Olivia Walker



Paul Ackroyd - PA

Stacey Amison- SA

Nikki Beardmore - NB

Karen Chapman - Science

Tracey Copnall - AT

Katie Gallimore KG

Laurence Greenhalgh - LG

Hannah Hancock - HH

Samantha Harris- SH

Amanda Hughes - AT

Katie Hulme- KH

Paul Kirk - PK

Lindsay Greenhalgh - Art

Jen Lomas - JL

Miranda Mellor -MM

Joanne Peddie - JP

Sabah Qayum - SQ

Sarah Redfearn - SR

Kirstie Rhead- KR

Danielle Rigby - DR

Karl Stubbs - KS

Linda Watkin- LWa

Natalie Williams - NW

Matthew Wright - MW

Jess Millington - JM

Ellice Robertson- ER


Classroom Support Staff:

Faustina Agyapong

Daisy Davies

Deborah Baddeley

Teresa Baddeley

Sophie Baldwin

Lisa Ball

Andrea Bennett

Elizabeth Corbett

Chloe Coupe

Lisa Coupe

Amanda Crowther

Gemma Darmon

Marie Dobson

Donna Dodd

Amanda Durber

Angela Edwards

Deborah Egerton

Laura Ellerton

Samina Furqan

Joy Gregory

David Griffiths

Deborah Grocott

Valerie Hancock

Jess Harmer

Lucy Hartshorn

Julie Hepworth

Katie Hill

Rhian Hilton

Michele Howell

Pippa Howell

Samantha Howle

Sherean Johnson

Sadie Kimberley

Mary McGough

Tahira Parveen

Elizabeth Platt

Jane Potts

Gill Radulovic

Julie Robinson

Gemma Rushton

Ellen Sanders

Samantha Shaw

Dianne Smith

Samantha Suthanan

Miar Weston

Katy Whalley

Robina Zafreen

Jayne Allon

Esra Cobanoglu 

Laura Kwiatkowski 

Jemma Moore

Hannah Turner


Administration Team:

Lindsey Cotton

Sue Coxon

Gemma Doolan

Amy Clewlow


Premises Staff:

Andrew Marriott

Chris Redfearn


Other Support Staff:

Phil Brunt

Linda Lyttleton
