
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"

Medication, Illness and Accidents

If your child is ill please inform the school on the first morning of absence with the reason and when the likely date of return to school will be.


If your child is absent due to sickness or diarrhoea please note we follow government guidelines and ask that you keep your child off for 48hours to prevent cross infection.


If your child is off for a number of days due to illness a medical note will need to be provided.


If your child is taken ill during school hours and is unable to stay in school we will contact you and ask you to collect them. We may seek medical advice if required from our School Nurse, Tracey Bailey.


If your child has an accident in school an advice slip will be sent home for your information.


Alternatively if urgent medical attention is required we will contact emergency services or take them to the nearest walk-in centre and await your arrival.
