
Watermill School

"We like to teach the way you like to learn"

The Learning Pathways

Developing the Concept of the Learning Pathways:


Leading up to the Autumn Term 2020 we asked Watermill staff to carefully consider the outcomes we aspire to achieve in our different groups of learners. Together we identified the key drivers for each of the six groups of learners within our school and created a word cloud to create a visual representation.


The larger the text, the more important we think it is. 

To learn about our Curriculum, please click on the 'Curriculum' page.


Aspirations for each area:

Still image for this video

The Curriculum at Watermill School is rich in diversity and opportunities for inclusion. By carefully considering the aspirations of our pupils, we were able to focus on five key themes and develop our motto (with the help of our pupils).


Our motto is:


'We like to teach the way you like to learn'.


We believe that this motto promotes our core purpose themes of:



Promoting communication is very important to our school. Watermill School uses a range of communication methods including Makaton sign language and Picture Exchange Communication (PECS). In addition staff use intervention programmes such as SULP (Social Use of Language) to promote positive communication between pupils.

Communication methods are carefully tailored to meet pupils learning styles.



Creativity encourages pupils to be innovative, seek solutions to problems and to work together to produce and enhance their work. Creativity promotes multi- sensory approaches to the curriculum and celebrates diversity of opinion.



Independence is promoted in a variety of ways. Pupils are encouraged from an early age to develop self-help skills and, as they progress through school, college and work experience placements are used to prepare the pupils for their future.


Being Inclusive

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Inclusion means that all pupils regardless of age, culture, ability and beliefs are fully included in our curriculum.

We develop inclusion by ensuring we develop classrooms and systems to promote positive behaviour. We use a variety of communication methods and differentiate resources carefully to ensure pupils feel included.



We want our pupils to enjoy school and to look forward to coming to school each day. Teachers try to incorporate an element of fun to their lessons and to develop pupils’ love of learning.

The Learning Pathways Overview


Our School is structured into Learning Pathways, which were developed and informed by our pupil's aspirations, our core purpose themes and school motto.  


Each Pathway is designed to specifically meet the needs of our learners, allowing every child to be all they can be. This includes a carefully constructed Curriculum, access to therapies, support through our safeguarding team, developing key life skills and collaborative work with other professionals. This holistic approach, structured through the Learning Pathways enables us to meet the needs of our pupils in each area of need identified on their Education Health and Care Plan.


The Learning Pathways include:


Learning Pathways


For a more in depth look at the Learning Pathways, please click on the document below:
